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PEGPE.1 The physically educated student demonstrates competency in
a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

a. Demonstrates competence while performing skills in a variety of settings or activities including sport, rhythms, and other lifetime and recreational activities.

b. Performs skills, which at a level of competency, contributes to health related fitness.

Student learning targets

I know how to catch a fly ball and throws it to second base.

We are learning how to dribble, run, pass, and shoot the ball in team basketball with a basic level of competence.


PEGPE.2 The physically educated student applies the knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and

a. Integrates a variety of strategies, tactics, concepts, and skills during sports and activities.

b. Creates a sequence of movements (dance, gymnastics, sports, etc.) that transition and flow smoothly from one to the next.

c.Evaluates skills needed for sports, outdoor, rhythm, and lifetime leisure activities.

Student Learning Targets

We are learning to transition from an offensive position into a defensive position in a game of basketball.I can use a drop, lob, or drive shot to score in a game of badminton.

I know movement patterns that show the effects of motion, force, and muscular stability.

We are learning how to set up and dismantle a tent or reading a compass.


PEGPE.3 The physically educated student demonstrates knowledge and
skills to help achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
activity and fitness.

a. Utilizes effective time management skills to incorporate opportunities for physical activity outside of physical education class.

b. Participates in school or community based physical activities with little or no cost.

Student Learning Targets

I can create a daily calendar of physical activities to ensure participation in health enhancing activities.

We are learning how to keep a fitness journal recording detailed workout information (i.e. number of sets, repetitions, types of lifts, distances) in school and non-school settings.

I can participate in school intramurals or club activities that involve physical activity.

We are learnign to iIdentifie local walking trails or parks and goes walking with friends.


PEGPE.4The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal
and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity

a. Implements a comprehensive fitness plan and adjusts various components of fitness necessary to maintain a healthy level of fitness throughout life.

b. Maintains or improves fitness level by using the results of the national fitness assessment guide.

c.Uses technologies to assess, enhance, and maintain health-related and skill-related fitness.

d. Analyzes the relationship between physical activity and longevity.

e. Evaluates the relationship of exercise (fitness) and nutrition.

f. Develops fitness goals that are gender, age, and skill appropriate.

Student Learning Targets

We are learning to prepare a weekly/monthly log showing the correlation between calorie intake and calorie expenditure.

I can exercise to increase metabolism.I know how activity goals can be modified to meet the needs of the individual.

I can apply specificity, overload, and progression to increase the intensity of the work out.I can increase the number of repetitions in a weight training workout to increase muscular strength.

We are learning to modify fitness plans due to life changes such as age or injury. (e.g. a team sport activity to an aquatics activity due to an injury.

We are learning to participate in lifetime fitness activities (from different sections of the activity chart) at the appropriate heart rate level for 30-60 minutes per day 3-5 times per week in both school and non-school settings.

I can use tools such as heart rate monitors and pedometers during exercise.I know how to use the internet to obtain reliable resources to develop a healthy lifestyle.

We are learning personal strategies to reduce stress as a way to improve overall health and wellness.

I can evaluate personal fitness levels and creates a plan to limit or prevent environmental unhealthy conditions (e.g. diabetes or asthma


PEGPE.5 The physically educated student recognizes the value of
physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.

a. Explain(s) why participation in activities is enjoyable and desirable either alone or in a group.

b. Participates in activities designed to improve skills for personal challenge, enjoyment, and expression.

Student Learning Targets

I can create a pamphlet/booklet/magazine/web page on a selected activity expressing why it is important to them/how it fulfills their fitness goals.

We are learning to show appropriate social interaction during participation (empathy, accepting rule enforcement, team play, etc.).

I know how to adjust previously met fitness goals to increase challenges for self-improvement.

We are learning to create and record a self-generated list of reasons for choosing to participate in selected physical activities in an activity log.

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